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Articles found for "author:Velma Lamoureux"

Don't Fall Hard For Typical Diet-product Scams

Once you've finally buckled down and committed to eating more healthily as part of a weight-loss regimen, it's important to stick to the rules you lay down for yourself.

Author: Velma Lamoureux

Services To Help Find Your Way Out Of The Unemployment Jungle

In today's economic climate, it's difficult to find a job if you're unemployed.

Author: Velma Lamoureux

Diabetes-fighting Dieting And Exercise May Help Prevent Alzheimer's, Too

The dangers of all types of diabetes are quite well-known.

Author: Velma Lamoureux

Piggybacking: A Way For Teens And Young Adults To Learn Proper Credit Practices

Those who are parents realize that they are the predominant source of guidance for their children during their formative years.

Author: Velma Lamoureux
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